March 9, 2019

How to Answer Interview Question on Why You Left Your Job

You may answer in any of the following ways:

1. Looking for better career prospects, professional growth and work opportunities.

2. I wanted to take on new responsibilities that this role and company couldn’t offer.

3. I was hired for a particular role, but I was no longer being given the opportunity
   to do the work I was interested in.

4. Want a change in career direction.

5. I was no longer enjoying my work.

6. I didn’t feel the job was using my abilities to the fullest or challenging me enough.

7. I resigned from my last job to take care of a family issue. The issue is resolved, so I am able to
   work full time again without any problem.

Always be positive while explaining your reasons for leaving a job:
  • Never badmouth, especially if you were fired.
  • Don’t make it sound like money is the only thing you care about.
  • Don’t say you had a fight with a colleague or your previous boss. Don’t try to blame him/her for it.


February 3, 2019

How to Adjust to a New Job

1. Expect your adjustment to take a while.

2. Build relationships in your new office. Stay positive.

3. Learn your new job.

4. Don't be afraid to ask for the help you need. Ask lots of questions.

5. Don't talk about how you did things at your old job or how things were in your previous office.

6. Acknowledge your mistakes if you have made them.

7. Be yourself.

January 17, 2019

How Long Should You Wait for a Job Offer?

The average time from interview to job offer is 2-4 weeks, depending on the company.
If the company has completed the interview phase, it may be having trouble to make a final decision.
Perhaps there were two well-qualified candidates and the interview team could not decide who the job should be offered to.

The time from job offer to acceptance is also about two weeks. However, this is the average for one
sector of the job market. For others, offers are received within 2 days of job interviewing.
Sometimes again, the hiring process is dragged onto for weeks, and even for months.

November 8, 2018

How to Deal With an Angry Boss

1. Maintain professionalism. Interact politely but assertively.

2. Have a conversation. Stay calm.

3. Don’t let his/her anger affect your work.

4. Identify triggers.

5. If you did something wrong, own up to your mistakes and apologize.

6. Offer a solution.