Showing posts with label Resume Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resume Writing. Show all posts

April 26, 2021

Importance of Using Action Verbs in Resume Writing

"Action verbs or action words in resumes are used to present responsibilities & achievements and make the sentence complete in an effective manner."

Some very powerful Action Verbs are:




















Importance of Using Action Verbs:

1. Action Verbs have a greater impact.

2. They are shorter. You can condense the description from six words down to three words.

3. They help an employer visualize you doing the work.

4. Using appropriate action verbs you can make your resume unique. It increase the strength of your writing and helps you make a strong first impression.

5. Using these action verbs you can convey that you have accomplished something important.

6. These verbs show the hiring manager what actions you have taken in previous jobs and experiences.

August 14, 2019

6 Ways to Proofread Your Resume

1. Read every word of your resume silently and slowly.

2. Use the “spell check” feature of your writing application software
but don’t completely depend on it. While it will point out most spelling
mistakes, it won’t always correct the grammatical errors or if you have used
the wrong word.

3. Be careful with contractions and the possessive tense. People often
confuse there, their and they’re, you’re and your, its and it’s, etc.

4. Check whether you have maintained your consistency in capitalization,
punctuation, spacing, and bullets.

5. Click any active hyperlinks (e.g., email, your online background details, etc.)
 you have included in your resume to ensure they reach their destinations correctly.

6. Check your verb tense. For jobs you have left, use the past tense
(e.g. “Managed a team of 20 members”). For your present job, use the
present tense or present continuous tense (e.g. Manage and maintain data
in the system by entering enquiries received via email, phone, website,
fax etc.”). Ensure to use the same tense for each bullet point under a
given job.

November 30, 2016

The Worst Resume Grammar Mistakes

1. Run-On Sentences

Split your run-on sentences up into coherent smaller sentences that make more sense.

2. Using Apostrophes in Plural Words

Plural words don't get apostrophes

3. Random Capitalization

"Resume" is not a name or title-it doesn't need to be capitalized.

4. Changing Tenses

Keep tenses consistent throughout the resume.

October 27, 2015

Show RESULTS in Your Resume!

Hiring managers whip through most resumes that land on their desks. Why do they process them so quickly? Because much of what they see is so boring. Same old thing day after day. Job seekers jump on the Internet, pick a sample that seems good enough and then they swap out their information for what they've read.
That is one way to write a resume. But it's totally ineffective. In today's highly competitive job market it takes more than 'good enough.' It takes extraordinary. It takes that extra step that will separate you from the pack.
One way to do that is to draw the employer's attention to the results you've accomplished and produced during your work life. Avoid generalizations like this:
  • ·         encouraged team players
  • ·         took responsibilities seriously
  • ·         led sales team to victory
  • ·         met all assigned deadlines
Those attributes deserve a pat on the back but that's about all. Hiring managers want to know what they mean. So you must be specific in your use of language. Compare the list above to the one below and decide which one you'd be interested in if you were the employer trying to fill an opening at your company.
  • ·         taught and modeled efficiency and effective work habits during a team training
  • ·         took responsibility for cutting production costs by 10% beyond the stated monthly budget and achieved that goal
  • ·         rallied sales team to increase department revenue by 20% in the first quarter
  • ·         exceeded all assigned deadlines by two weeks, providing time for corrections and revisions
Now imagine yourself as the corporate rep who has been told to interview and hire someone who can join the company and assume immediate responsibility for putting the sales department on solid footing within six months. You know that if you don't pull this off your head will roll!
Meanwhile, you have hundreds of resumes piling up on your desk and you have to read them all if you're going to find the right person for the job. So you tackle the first 25, hoping to find a jewel in the stack before the day is over. Suddenly there it is--the resume that shouts "Read me and be surprised."
What attracts you? The clear, direct, and specific statements that have to do with results achieved, instead of a bland list of nice qualities about the job seeker.
So when you are ready to create a resume that will 'sell,' think about results--the actions you took that led to something concrete that benefitted the company in a real way, that increased revenue, breakthroughs in the industry, cost-cutting, and techniques and ideas that made a real difference. Then show how you can transfer those skills to the new job you hope to win.
Author: Jimmy Sweeney - originator of the brand new, Amazing Resume Creator

August 14, 2015

10 Pack-a-Punch Verbs to Include on Your Résumé

Before you write a word of your new résumé, make certain that you understand its primary purpose: to demonstrate your ability to contribute to the bottom line of the company or organization you seek to join. You best do this when you begin each bullet point with an active verb that paints a vibrant picture of what you did, and couple it with the results you attained.

You might respond: "But I haven't been in sales, or marketing or management. I just do XX, and don't have any idea how to relate that to the bottom line." That might be so, but there is more to building a bottom line than sales and management. When you make processes run smoothly, avert or reduce costs or increase productivity, you add value to your company.
Here are some verbs favored by résumé writers, supplemented with questions to spur your thinking about how they might relate to what you have done. You can easily find expanded lists of such verbs, along with résumé templates. However, they only have value for you if you use them to relate your unique story. Don't risk being seen as a cookie cutter candidate, indistinguishable from all the other people who are using these same kinds of sources.
1. Catapult. Perhaps you have been involved with launching a new product or service, or done something that has dramatically moved your organization forward.
2. Commercialize. Have you somehow been involved with turning knowledge about some thing or process into creating a product or service? Have you figured out how to charge money for something that up to that point had been free?
3. Maximize. Have you somehow increased the size and scale of widget production? Have you maximized the number of widgets produced with the same raw materials, thereby decreasing costs? Have you expanded the marketing reach of your company? What has been greatly improved by your involvement?
4. Mentor. Have you increased profitability for both the short and long term by helping a person or group within the company to understand how to better fulfill their potential? Successful mentoring can save costs by increasing efficiency, grooming future leadership or by preventing or reducing employee turnover.
5. Facilitate. Have you made things go smoother by paving the way for others, coordinating communication or removing roadblocks? If you order the supplies, book a room, set up the audio/visual equipment or do any number of other tasks, you are facilitating the work of your boss or others.
6. Collaborate. You don't need to be the head of something to take appropriate credit for your role in its success. In fact, few accomplishments are achieved without the contributions of a team of individuals. This verb allows you to talk about your contribution and demonstrate your effectiveness as a team player.
7. Motivate. You can't necessarily attach a dollar value to motivation, but surely if you somehow inspire others you impact their productivity. When you inspire others to work at their best, your effects are magnified in all their accomplishments.
8. Align/Realign. Have you somehow helped to get disparate parts of an organization or process to mesh together more smoothly? Perhaps you have had a hand in changing incentives, penalties or re-engineering the relationship between different groups or departments. When you do any of these things, you potentially decrease or eliminate expenses, or enable new creativity through the synergies you engineer.
9. Document. Some roles don't necessarily create products or services, but simply track what is going on in a company. You might document how something gets done, verify that your company has received (or not received) the goods and services it is being charged for or that other processes have been followed according to policy. Documentation plays a key role in saving companies current expenses, and mitigating future potential costly liabilities.
10. Enforce. Many jobs have to do with ensuring corporate compliance to laws, governmental regulations, requirements of funders or corporate policy and procedures. Enforcement can improve the health and safety of employees or customers, reduce penalties associated with unfavorable audit outcomes and otherwise mitigate a company's expenses.
Of course these are only examples to get you thinking. There are numerous other great verbs you might utilize. When you couple your actions with your achievements in each résumé bullet point, you demonstrate your real value. This way you become a truly attractive candidate worthy of strong consideration.
Happy hunting!
Author: Arnie Fertig is the head coach of JOBHUNTERCOACH.COM, where he utilizes his extensive background in HR Staffing and as owner of a recruiting company to help mid-career job-hunters land their next job.

August 16, 2012

Writing Guidelines for a Successful Resume

There are few things more frustrating and unnerving than writing your first resume for a "real world" job after you've graduated from college. Like so many other new graduates throughout the country, you may not know much about writing a successful resume and doing so probably feels both awkward and hopeless at times. With an ever-challenging economy, the job market couldn't be much more frustrating for recent graduates looking for a career and resume-writing couldn't be much more grueling. Your resume is the first impression an employer gets of you. For this reason, you need to create something that is telling of your value and memorable. Use these writing tips to craft a stronger and more attention-grabbing resume.

Be Concise
Conciseness is one of the most important rules to resume writing. You want to get immediately to your point. Work to capture an employer's attention by quickly and efficiently communicating a smart idea. Keeping things brief is always a good idea. Of course, you want to make sure that you write enough about yourself, your experience, and your education to really communicate your worth. However, strive to keep things tight and to the point. Opening your resume with a highly condensed summary of your background, skills, and professional attributes can be a wise choice. If written concisely and carefully, this can be very effective in summarizing your value and focusing your resume as a whole. Also, consider writing a concise and clear mission statement for your resume. This statement should be tailored to the specific position you are applying to and the specific company you are interviewing with.

Think Active
Always use strong and active language in your resume. Just as school teachers asked for powerful verbs and active voice, you should keep these writing guidelines for your resumes as well. Active words help to awaken a resume (which can often be generally boring and dull). Try to avoid using personal pronouns. Discuss what you accomplished with your educational and professional experience, rather than what you did. Employers don't necessarily want to hear what you did each day, that want to know how well you did it and what you got from it. Listing responsibilities and duties should usually be avoided. Think action. What did you gain from your experience? What can that experience offer?

Editing and proofreading are some of the most important steps in resume-writing. Even the strongest, most concise, and best written resume will fail if there are various errors and typos. Read through your resume over and over again. Search for typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors. These types of small mistakes are easy to make, but overlooking them can communicate carelessness and irresponsibility to a potential employer. Get several different people to look over your resume. Having a fresh set of eyes look over your writing can illuminate many things that you might have overlooked. Don't let a small slip up be the reason an employer stops reading your resume. Proofread, proofread, proofread!
This guest post is provided by Mariana Ashley, who writes about educational issues and first-time employment for She can be reached by email at

July 17, 2012

Cover Letters and Resumes: How to Get your Dream Job

It happens every day: people see a job they want, they furiously write their respective cover letters and resumes, and then quickly send them off to their potential employers. No, it's not a bad thing to be prompt in your efforts to get a job, but is the rush causing you to miss out on your dream job?

The truth is that people often overlook the importance of resumes and cover letters when they're creating them. People jump to conclusions and think brevity and errors are all a part of the process, and that employers will forgive a mistake or two along the way. But are these people naïve in their thought process? Absolutely! There is no reason you shouldn't have well-written, thorough cover letters and resumes to send off to employers. If you don't, it's likely you'll miss out on a great job.

There are a number of steps people would like to rush through the process, but that doesn't mean they should. When you find yourself needing to write an errorless, in-depth cover letters and/or resumes, try utilizing these three tips to help you get through the endeavor.

Read your documents out loud

It's a proven fact that our eyes can't catch the errors our ears can. Once we become attached and used to the materials we've written, we often fail to see errors that are sitting right in front of us, but reading out loud will help us catch them. By reading documents out loud to yourself or to the people around you, you will undoubtedly be able to stumble upon any mistakes you've made through the writing process.

Have a friend or family member look them over

Although reading our own work is great, it's also important to have a third party edit our materials as well. In choosing the best person to look over your work, make sure they have your interest at heart and will give your documents their best editing eyes and a thorough read through. When these people hand your documents back to you, ask them for their feedback: did they see any big errors; did they see any wording they would change; do they think you rambled too much; do they like the layout and design of your documents; etc. By having a third party read your work, you're sure to pick up on those last-minute errors you may have overlooked.

Create a connection to your prospective employer

Oftentimes, we are sending out dozens of resumes and cover letters to potential employers. The problem in all that is that we may be trying to do as little as possible to tailor each of our resumes and cover letters to fit our potential employers. By doing this, you may cause yourself to miss out on a great job. Whenever you are ready to apply for a job read about the company and find out how you can form a connection to them. For instance, perhaps they specialize in a product you often use, perhaps their president comes from the same alma mater as you, or maybe you once interned for them. Do your best to find a connection you have with the company and highlight that both in your resume and cover letter.

Getting a job isn't always a piece of cake, but by following these three steps in creating and editing your resumes and cover letters, you may find yourself employed in no time.
Author: An experienced writer on all things related to higher education and business, Amanda Watson spends her days covering the latest stories on various topics such as online mba ranking, web entrepreneurship, and social media marketing. You can contact Amanda at

July 10, 2012

Resume Writing Tips for Individuals with a Not-So-Shining History

There are few things more daunting than composing a professional resume. For the most part, we're a species of niceties—we don't talk about ourselves or tout our every accomplishment. We've been told time and time again that endlessly speaking highly of ourselves and listing all of our awards are telltale signs of egotism and arrogance. But, when you enter the professional world, those schoolyard lessons are thrown out the window. This is why resume writing is so uncomfortable—we're not used to so openly talking positively about ourselves. But, you must. Your resume should sell your traits, experience, and education to an employer.

In many ways your resume acts as a preliminary or mini background check for your employer. Employers will use the information provided on a resume to briefly check your credentials. Creating a resume that you feel best sells yourself can feel very difficult if there are gaps in your employment history, if you were let go from a position, or if you have an incomplete educational history. Use these resume writing tips to tackle these tough topics and create a document that employers will really respond to.

Spotty Employment History

Gaps in employment are things that potential employers look at closely. When composing your resume with work experience, don't lie about dates. Put in the dates that you worked places and consider filling in the gaps with the other things you did during your unemployment. Include any volunteering, interning, or education you completed during your unemployment. These activities demonstrate a lot of positive things to an employer and can be as "resume-boosting" as a paid position. Only include these types of employment fillers when they are truly relevant. Employers don't want know about things outside of professional work you have done unless they are pertinent to the position at hand.

Getting Laid Off

One of the most difficult things to deal with during a job hunt can be communicating that you were laid off. Of course, this topic doesn't always have to come up, but it's important that you know how to handle it if it does. In a world today where job security isn't quite as secure as we would hope, many employers are very understanding about layoffs. Explain that your former company was downsizing or restructuring and that you were unable to remain with them. If that employer is still available as a professional reference, then your case alongside theirs should be great. If you were let go for reasons other than "downsizing", you should be up front with a potential employer. You can use this opportunity to communicate that it was a learning experience for you and you have worked to fix things.

Incomplete Educational History

For entry level positions, potential employers will take a very close look at your educational history. Many individuals attend one school for college and then stop for a period of time and finish their degree elsewhere at a later date. If this is the case, be clear about what degree level and useful courses were completed overall at any institutions you attended. For the most part, potential employers are not going to penalize your for having gaps in your educational history or an elongated history. Use your interview or cover letter as an opportunity to address those gaps if you feel it is necessary.
Author: Familiar with personal information screenings and online background checks, Jane Smith regularly writes about these topics in her blogs. Feel free to send her comments at

September 14, 2010

Your Resume: Five Pre-Writing Steps

The job hunt can be an overwhelming process, especially for a new applicant. You must sift through countless job postings, sign up with job search engines, and figure out what sorts of jobs match your skills and interests.

Once you’ve collected a number of jobs to apply for, you’ll need to develop a resume. Although your resume might appear to be a simple document, it tells a lot about you—information that employers will use to evaluate your application. The smartest job applicants put a lot of time into carefully developing their resumes, so why wouldn't you? We recommend following these five steps in order to prepare yourself to write the best possible resume.

1. Brainstorm a List of Accomplishments

Brainstorm a list of your accomplishments—tasks that you enjoyed doing, did well, and are proud of. Include education/training, volunteer experience, jobs, projects, school assignments, travel, and group or team activities. Focus on the outcomes of your efforts. Quantify your results if possible. Reflect on these experiences in short free-writes. You won’t use many of these on the resume you send out; however, reviewing these accomplishments and asking yourself why they are important can help you relate your experiences to each job’s requirements.

2. Interpret the Job Description

As you read job descriptions, ask yourself what exactly this employer is looking for in an applicant. Highlight all of the key words that indicate required and preferred skills, abilities, attributes, and qualifications. If an employer is looking for somebody who is innovative, punctual, and attentive to detail, then you’ll want to use these same or similar words on your resume. Using these key words, organize the job descriptions into similar categories based on their requirements; later, these categories will help you create a resume that matches each job exactly.

3. Identify Relevant Skills and Strengths

Now frame your experiences so that they connect your skills and strengths with those that are applicable to each particular job category. Use mind-mapping and other pre-writing techniques to strengthen those connections. Feel free to use as much scratch paper as necessary to develop your ideas.

4. Write Descriptive Phrases

Using action verbs, write short phrases to describe experiences that demonstrate your relevant skills. Expand on relevant skills and experiences with bullet points. Give yourself four to six descriptions per each experience so that you’ll have plenty to select from when you assemble the resume.

5. Create a Master Resume

Finally, organize all of your accomplishments and their descriptions in one basic resume document on your computer. Don’t worry if the document is long; the goal is to create a master resume from which you can select various elements to quickly prepare individual resumes for each job you apply to.

Of course, you won’t simply cut and paste from this list. You’ll need to do some last-minute revising before you can send away your application. But you can breathe a little easier knowing that you’ve already done most of the hard work. All you’ll need to do for each new batch of jobs you apply to is review the job descriptions and see how each element from your master resume applies. Then format the elements you’ve selected into a specific document to create the perfect resume for that particular job.
About The Author: This guest post is contributed by Angelita Williams, who writes on the topics of online college courses. She welcomes your comments at her email Id:

January 27, 2009

10 Most Common Resume Writing Mistakes

Personal information or picture

Leave off the personal information or picture. Do not include your age, gender, race, marital status, hunting skills or picture. These details do not determine your ability to perform your job and must not occupy a place within your resume.

Using a template design for your resume

You should never use a template to create a resume. Your resume should be uniquely designed to highlight your unique qualifications and achievements to set you apart from other candidates.


Do not mention details of your expected remuneration. Giving this detail will either undersell you or overprice you.


There are many risks involved in lying. Once the untruth is discovered, you will lose your job. If there are areas that you prefer not to disclose, do not mention about them in your resume. Just don't lie - be honest.

Irrelevant or out dated information

Don't list irrelevant work experience just to fill in space. Keep information relevant to field and industry. Also, if the work you did many years ago is not related to a job you are applying for now, do not mention it. This information is out dated.

Omitting dates of employment

Never omit dates of employment in order to hide your age or cover up an unstable work history. The hiring managers will know instantly you're trying to hide something. However, you can leave off jobs held for a short duration or omit the earliest part of your work history to hide employment gaps and periods of job hopping.

Voluntary work

Unless there is a direct and positive link with the job you are applying for, omit this out of your resume. Some employers may appreciate your commitment to social work but others may find it as a potential distraction.

Long paragraphs

Write short, easy-to-read, statements about your skills, knowledge, abilities and achievements.


This information is unnecessary for your resume. Present it later when this will be requested of you as your application progresses to the final stages.

Poor grammar and spelling

Spelling and grammatical errors can automatically disqualify a resume from consideration. Proofread and then proofread again.

August 30, 2005

How to Write a Resume That Stands Out From The Crowd

- Rumki Sen 

Today’s job market is competitive. Many companies receive hundreds of resumes a year, making it difficult for yours to stand out from the crowd. However, that should not keep you from getting interviews. The following 10 tips will help you learn how to get employers to read your resume and get your phone ringing. 

1. Include a profile Begin your resume with a profile, which contains a synopsis of your varied skills and educational qualifications. This profile should match the particular job you want to apply for. State your career objective clearly so that the reader gets an overall idea of your background and areas of expertise. Write this section in such a manner that it immediately catches the attention of a hiring manager, and he calls you instead of someone else.

2. Keep the resume short No one has the time to go through elaborate detailing about your past jobs and experiences. Therefore, keep the resume short. Make a list of the most important jobs you have held and give a brief of your previous job-oriented experiences. However, in the case of technical people, resumes can extend to three pages in order to include relevant technical information. 

3. Give more importance on content than on looks One of the major mistakes people make while creating resumes is in the use of fancy fonts. Avoid using fancy fonts and do not change font regularly throughout the resume. Changing fonts regularly will distract and confuse a hiring manager. Do not use underlining or italics to add emphasis. Make your document eye appealing so that your reader can review it with ease. Use white paper and make the thoughts flow smoothly. 

4. Clearly identify your skills Do not be modest in mentioning your skills. Clearly identifying your skills will distinguish you from the other job seekers and eventually help your potential employers to select you from the rest. Remember, all you have to do is to stand out from the crowd.

5. List your educational and professional qualifications Include any relevant education or training that might relate. Provide details of only those qualifications that match your current job search. This will help you to get short-listed more easily. 

6. Focus on your job responsibilities Starting with your present position or most recent job, mention the title of every job you have held, along with the name of the company, the city and state, and the years you have worked there. Under each position, make a list of your job responsibilities. Use descriptive verbs, such as created, increased, performed, initiated, developed, led, improved or reduced to begin each statement of your duties and accomplishments. Producing a document that is well presented, detailed and targeted will attract the attention of your hiring manager. 

7. Add related qualifications and interests Think about anything else that might qualify you for your job objective and place it at the bottom of your resume. It may include licenses, certifications, awards and achievements, and sometimes even your hobbies and interests if they truly relate. If you seek a job in a music company, for example, stating on your resume that you are a pianist will increase your chance to get that interview call. 

8. Be honest with your resume If you did not actually do what you said you did, it would be called a lie. Numerous surveys show that job applicants lie most frequently about education and employment, particularly about job responsibilities and dates of employment. Hiding gaps in employment and jobs where they were forced to leave by the respective employers is also common. There are many risks involved in lying, but many job applicants do not seem to get the message about the risks of lying. Once you are caught with a lie, you will be fired then and there. So, DON”T lie – be honest with your resume. 

9. Always attach a covering letter A cover letter is a letter of introduction that highlights your key achievements and skills and entitles you for a job opening. It reflects your communication skills and your personality. The main purpose of this document is to introduce yourself in such an interesting manner that the reader will not only continue reading your resume but also be willing to call you for an interview. 

10. Proofread your resume After you have finalized your employment documents, check them repeatedly for errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Spelling and grammatical errors can automatically disqualify a resume from consideration. If you make mistakes on your employment documents, hiring managers might presume you will be equally careless on the job - no matter how important your qualifications and experiences are. Proofread your resume and cover letter carefully. Make your resume positive and completely error-free. If you are seeking two or three different positions, prepare two or three separate resumes, each tailored to the job you are targeting. Make your resume exclusive and unique so that it stands out from the crowd. Good luck for your career! 

 About the Author: Rumki Sen is the founder of Perfect Editing Solutions (, a professional firm providing Resume Writing, Proofreading and Copyediting services. Get your resume and cover letter prepared or edited at highly affordable prices by her company's resume writing services. Submit your information online and receive your perfect resume and cover letter within 5 days. Contact Rumki Sen at

July 19, 2005

The Resume You Need To Get The Job You Want

Spelling and grammatical errors can automatically disqualify a resume from consideration. Also, many companies receive hundreds of resumes every year, making it REALLY difficult for yours to stand out. These are just TWO of the reasons why you should use professional resume preparation and writing services. We at Perfect Editing Solutions specialize in writing resumes for experienced professionals, entry level and recent college graduates. With our resume writing services, we will write your resume to effectively highlight your strengths to employers. We will prepare your resume based on all necessary information you provide us with. Give us every detail including dates of your employment, responsibilities and the specific positions of your employment. Our professional resume preparation and writing services are priced to be affordable for people who are looking for a job. Some resume writing services charge over $300 to write your resume! Not our resume writing services. Submit your information online and receive your perfect resume within 2-3 days. Let our resume writing services help you find the success you deserve. Click here for details:

April 20, 2005

Need Help in Resume Preparation and Writing?

This information is for those who are looking for the BEST professional resume preparation services on the Internet. Allow our resume writing services to create your outstanding resume so that you can focus on excelling in your own area of expertise. Our resume writing services offer professional resumes with most affordable prices possible. Our resume writing services include two levels of services: 1) Proofreading and Copyediting Resume 2) Professional Resume Preparation Choose the one which suits you most. Let our resume writing services help you NOW. Submit your information online and receive your perfect resume within 2-3 days. We will help you get interviews quickly and the job you've always wanted. Also, we work with you personally - you can get in touch with us at any time with questions or suggestions. Get your resume prepared at a highly affordable price by our resume writing services. Make your resume STAND OUT. For more details, please click here: