November 8, 2011

How to Speak English Fluently

1. Get rid of the fear of speaking English in public. Unless you can overcome this fear, you won’t learn. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. So, be confident and speak.

2. Observe the mouth movements of those who speak English well and try to imitate them.

3. Everyday read aloud in English at least for 30 minutes. Read newspapers, magazines, books, poems, short stories, articles, whatever you like. Start with the easy ones and gradually progress towards difficulty.

4. Interact and converse with English speaking friends and colleagues regularly.

5. Watch English movies, television serials, news. Carefully follow the accent. Listening to fluent good English will unknowingly improve the way you speak English.

6. Try singing English songs.

7. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes. Doing this will help you become conscious of the mistakes you are making.

8. Take your time. Do not expect instant results. You can change the way you sound if you are willing to work really hard. Be patient.