March 21, 2011

Use THIS Job Interview "Gem" For Magical Results!

An employer calls to set up an interview. Just what you've wanted. You feel your excitement build, but maybe you feel apprehensive too and worried a little about the questions he or she will ask you regarding the prospective job. How can you prepare for such a meeting when you don't know what to expect?

One thing is all you need to know. ALL questions will point back to the essential, but unvoiced, question. "What can you do for our company?"

Answer it to yourself in the most convincing and truthful manner possible and then you'll be on track to having a magical interview experience. Even though the hiring manager may not come right out with those words, they will be in his or her mind.

Your credentials and skills, important as they are, will not matter if you can't honestly express how you will use them to benefit the company. So be prepared to talk about the positive solutions you've come up with in your previous employment, as well as your ability to lead in a crisis, get along with management, and motivate and encourage fellow employees.

You will be assessed not only for your talent but for your ability to relate to people and get along with your team mates, all of which contributes to the basic concern—what you can bring to the company that will improve the morale, raise the bottom line, and produce products and services that build the organization's reputation.


Start by being yourself.

• Smile, shake hands, and create good eye contact.
• Listen carefully to the questions asked, so you'll be able to answer accurately.
• Indicate your knowledge of the company by referring to what you know.
• Provide three good examples of what you can do for the company.

The night before your interview, write down a few notes and have them ready to refer to at the right moment. This is your chance to step out, display your ability, and receive a job offer.
author: Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new "Secret Career Document" job landing system.