June 15, 2010

The Qualities of a Good Writer

Discipline - A writer has to be disciplined. Prepare
yourself a timetable for writing and try to stick to it.

Keeping it simple - A writer should write in a simple
language. Complex sentences tend not to please
readers. Instead, most readers prefer a simple, straight
to the point style.

Observation - A writer must be a good observant.
Writers watch people and events and store away
material which they can use later in their writings.

Imagination - The need for this quality must be obvious
if you are a novelist or short-story writer, especially
since it can provide material which lies outside your
experience and cannot be taken from observation.

Experience - All authors who write fiction draw on their
own experiences, and so do those in the factual field.

A Professional Attitude - Tell yourself that you are a
professional writer, and then behave like one. Taking a
serious attitude to your work, trying to perfect your
skills, learning something about publication processes,
and generally meeting the criteria needed for success
will help you become a good writer.

Use of Right Spelling and Grammar - The one mistake
which every reader will spot is spelling the word wrong. So,
avoid making spelling mistakes. A writer also must know when
to use a rule. Why it is made the way it is? What is the
point of the phrase? When should we break the rule? Spelling
and grammatical errors can automatically disqualify you
from being a good writer. A writer MUST be careful about
spelling and grammar.