May 6, 2005

Best Way to Price Any Product

If you are launching a new product, how will you know its perfect price - the price that will maximize your income, right from the outset? Also, is your pricing about your existing products up to date?

Ken and Professor Dorn applied linguistic, psychological, marketing, and statistical principles to the question of pricing through an online survey.

So, now there is a perfect process for determining your product's perfect price - a system that is exact, super-fast, cost-efficient and truly scientific.

It is called Make Your Price Sell (MYPS)

The MYPS! ( system does it all for you...

1) automatically customizes a totally unique and patent-pending questionnaire, to ask people about your product

2) records and stores their answers

3) runs the patent-pending analytical models

4) and presents you with clear, bright-as-day answers to your pricing questions.

For the first time ever, you will know how much your product should sell for. So, what are you waiting for? Buy MYPS, and soon you'll be doing exactly what the title says ... Making Your Price Sell!

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