January 17, 2019

How Long Should You Wait for a Job Offer?

The average time from interview to job offer is 2-4 weeks, depending on the company.
If the company has completed the interview phase, it may be having trouble to make a final decision.
Perhaps there were two well-qualified candidates and the interview team could not decide who the job should be offered to.

The time from job offer to acceptance is also about two weeks. However, this is the average for one
sector of the job market. For others, offers are received within 2 days of job interviewing.
Sometimes again, the hiring process is dragged onto for weeks, and even for months.

November 8, 2018

How to Deal With an Angry Boss

1. Maintain professionalism. Interact politely but assertively.

2. Have a conversation. Stay calm.

3. Don’t let his/her anger affect your work.

4. Identify triggers.

5. If you did something wrong, own up to your mistakes and apologize.

6. Offer a solution.

September 3, 2018

Why is it Important to Smile During an Interview?

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight – even your career!”

Whether you are a model, dentist, teacher or painter, a genuine smile can take you very far in life.

A smile is a symbol of well-being and self-confidence, both in your personal as well as professional life.  And the power of a warm smile is often underestimated during the process of a job interview. However, it is a very integral part of positive body language - which is again very important during an interview. Employers are always looking for someone who can gel easily with a team, and create a happy and positive work environment, thus boosting the company’s productivity.

Here’s why you shouldn’t forget to smile at your job interview:

1. for a good first impression

It is a fact that it only takes about 6-7 seconds for an average person to form an opinion about someone, when they are meeting for the first time. And when it comes to interviews, a good first impression can lead to better things in future.

So along with the all the interview preparation you do, a smile can instantly help you leave a good impression on your recruiter, right at the very beginning. You would come across as an amiable and enthusiastic person, who is easy to talk to – something that recruiters are always looking for, in a candidate.

2. Shows your confidence

Imagine a situation where, you are at your workplace, and you need some help with the work that has been assigned to you. You look over at your colleagues and see one with a frowning face, and another with a smiling one. Who would you approach for help? Obviously the smiling one!

Remember that recruiters are always on the lookout for those smiling colleagues, not the frowning ones. Nothing reveals the best things about your personality better than a smile. A genuine smile will always instil trust, exude confidence and at the same time convince people around you that you are approachable. All these qualities are highly desirable in an employee. Hence, it is important that you showcase these qualities right from the start.

3. Lets you recover from your mistakes

Studies reveal that if you smile after committing a small social mistake, it can actually help you to take control of the situation and rectify it. An embarrassed or sheepish smile is a sign that you realized you’ve made a mistake, accepted it and are ready to move on.

You may make a mistake during an interview process, probably due to nervousness, and the best thing to do for handling such a situation, is to shrug it off with a smile and rectify the mistake. This is a much better option compared to ignoring or denying the problem, and going back with regrets.

4. For a desirable and pleasant environment

Have you noticed the fact that you tend to get happy when you see people around you smile, even if you are meeting them for the first time? A smile is very contagious, and majority of people will smile back at you if you greet them with one. Smiling is also known to reinforce and promote happy feelings of pleasure and joy.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy your interview and create a lighter atmosphere in the process, make sure you smile when you meet the interviewer.

5. Smile in telephonic interviews

Interviews are not always face-to-face; they could be telephonic as well. Interview platforms like
interviewfox.com, allow you to schedule and take telephonic pre-screening interviews and create an audio profile as well.

Just because the interviewer can’t see you in a telephonic interview, don’t forget to smile! The sound of your smile reaches the interviewer through your voice. Smiling not only makes you sound confident and excited, but also takes away your nervousness and makes you feel better. You will be more attentive and engaged during the whole process, making your recruiter convinced that you are the best candidate for the job.

Beware of the Fake Smile

“Fake a frown, you hurt others. Fake a smile, you hurt yourself.”

A genuine and positive smile is important as it can prove to be a very big advantage during an interview. However, what is more important is that you do not force or fake a smile during the process.

People can easily recognise a fake smile, especially an interviewer who is well aware of the different body languages and behaviour of candidates. A fake or a forced smile is often associated with hiding your true self, by not letting the world know what you truly are. This can have a negative effect and you may come across as an insincere and dishonest person. In some situations, it can also make the interviewer feel uncomfortable, and you may lose the job opportunity even before realising where you went wrong.


You can practice introducing yourself or answering questions in front of a mirror, with a smile, to make sure that you are not overdoing it.

Smiling will mean showing your teeth. So if you have eaten anything just before an interview, check that there are not remnants of food stuck in the teeth that can lead to an awkward moment later!

Article Source: https://www.interviewfox.com       

July 11, 2018

How to master a Skype interview

Job interviews over Skype are becoming increasingly common. You might be able to see one another, but a virtual interview over the internet is not the same as one face to face and you need to prepare accordingly.

Here are some considerations to help you embrace technology and master a Skype interview.

Dress professionally
Should you still dress as if you are in a face-to-face interview? Yes – general interview etiquette still applies. “The dynamics are different, with body language being the main barrier, so it is vital to make a good impression based on your dress and surroundings,” says Matthew Roberts, CEO at NonExecutiveDirectors.com, a network site for employers.

Don’t be tempted just to dress smartly from the waist-up, assuming that’s all the interviewer will see, warns Graham Oates, CEO of Norrie Johnston Recruitment. “I’ve been in plenty of Skype interview situations where the candidate has had to stand up.” Being in formal dress will also help you to feel like it is a formal interview and put you in the right frame of mind, he adds.

Pick your backdrop wisely
How much attention will be paid to where you are sitting for the interview? The safe rule of thumb is to assume that a lot of attention will be given to your surroundings – so set up well in advance and take time to look at how the interviewer will see you.

“Find a neutral, tidy spot if possible. Mess, pot plants or food may subconsciously impact an interviewer’s view of the meeting and reflect badly on you,” says Jonathan Bennet, a director at Capita Resourcing. His advice is to set yourself up so the interviewer can see your face, hair, shoulders and upper torso. Consider the lighting and how you are sat too. “They don’t want a giant, poorly lit face talking at them for an hour.” Also, make sure you are in a quiet room which will not be interrupted.

Get to grips with the technology beforehand
Before you begin, make sure you’ve got to grips with the technology to avoid any last minute panic, especially if you haven’t used Skype before. “Set up a practice interview with a friend to make sure you are happy with how you come across on screen as well as being able to confidently use the system,” suggests Roberts. Check your microphone is properly set, your voice is audible, the picture quality is good and that you are in a spot with a strong internet connection.

But if technology fails midway through, don’t panic, says David Cairncross, director at Hays. “If a problem with your technology throws you off during your interview, just remain professional,” he says. The interviewer will be aware that some things are out of your control, should anything happen start the call again to regain a connection, and quickly make contact to update the interviewer so you can continue as soon as possible.

Don’t be late
“You wouldn’t dream of turning up late for a face-to-face interview, so having to delay one over Skype because you haven’t done your technical groundwork is inexcusable,” says Oates. Call and get it all setup a few minutes early to avoid any awkwardness. Equally, have your notes ready and a glass of water to hand so you aren’t fiddling with papers or getting a dry mouth once you make a start.

Remember body language
Skype interviews leave little room for those informal interactions you might have on the walk from reception or the ride in the lift - so it is important your eye contact and facial expressions are not compromised by the technology either.

“Remember to look at the camera – not the screen – that way the interviewer will feel you are maintaining eye contact,” says Oates. “Remember to smile and have an engaged and pleasant facial expression. Try to forget you are talking to a computer screen and imagine the interviewer being physically in the room with you.”
Author: Kirstie Brewer