July 26, 2021

How To Handle A Hostile and Difficult Job Interviewer

 1. Remain calm.

2. Be confident.

3. Be Patient.

4. Smile and do not lose temper.

5. Use the challenges given by the difficult job interviewer as opportunities to highlight your strengths. Have examples and results to show.


April 26, 2021

Importance of Using Action Verbs in Resume Writing

"Action verbs or action words in resumes are used to present responsibilities & achievements and make the sentence complete in an effective manner."

Some very powerful Action Verbs are:




















Importance of Using Action Verbs:

1. Action Verbs have a greater impact.

2. They are shorter. You can condense the description from six words down to three words.

3. They help an employer visualize you doing the work.

4. Using appropriate action verbs you can make your resume unique. It increase the strength of your writing and helps you make a strong first impression.

5. Using these action verbs you can convey that you have accomplished something important.

6. These verbs show the hiring manager what actions you have taken in previous jobs and experiences.

February 24, 2021

Famous Quotations on Words

Words indeed have power. My favourite quotations on words:

1. "Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you."

2. "Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don't mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime."

3. "Two hearts in love need no words."

4. "Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word."

5. "Words are all we have."

6. "Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke." 

December 29, 2020

Five Guidelines for Learning Spelling and Six Ways for Practicing Spelling

Practice makes permanent

Did somebody tell you practice made perfect? That's only if you're practicing it right. Each time you spell a word wrong, you're 'practicing' the wrong spelling. So, if you're not sure how to spell the word, find out, then practice that spelling. Keep an ongoing notebook of words, so you've got your own personal dictionary and you can see your progress. Start small, though! 

Don't try to learn all the words at once

Even if you learn them all in one sitting, practice them a few at a time. Find out what works best for you — it may be one or two words or as many as three or four. Then, add another word to your list, or start on different ones. Each time you learn another word, go back and practice the ones you learned before it, because, after all, practice makes permanent. 

Review, and review some more

If you already know some of the words on your list, practice them once or twice each before you start tackling the ones you don't know yet. It's a good confidence booster (and besides, practice makes permanent). 

Practice spelling as if you expect to spell those words right when you're writing 

There's more to learning to spell than passing a spelling test. There are lots of ways to get from guessing to knowing what to write down on a test, AND spelling words right when you're writing sentences and paragraphs. You want to train your hands to write the correct letters in the right order when you think a certain word. Use the "six ways to practice spelling" listed here. 

Use the words you've practiced 

That's the point to learning them, anyway. Have a list of words you're learning handy, in a notebook, and you can look them up to make sure you're spelling them right. Besides, using them is practicing them, and practice…you know…makes permanent.  


Author: Susan Jones 

Read the full article here:

September 2, 2020

Top 5 Rules of English Grammar

Communication is effective when we follow certain rules. These rules make the written words understood. A writer should make the reader's job easier by communicating what he or she wants to communicate. If you also want to write, pay respect to your readers. Don't take them for granted. Learning and understanding the basic rules of English Grammar, you will surely be able to avoid ill-formed, confusing sentences. Hence, following and applying the rules of English Grammar and thereby producing a good writing can help the readers save their time from trying desperately to guess what you mean. This article covers the top 5 rules of English Grammar.

Subject-Verb Agreement – Errors in agreement are the most common mistakes made in writings. To avoid this, just follow the simple rule: A singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb.

Wrong: Identification of these goods have been difficult.

Right:   Identification of these goods has been difficult. (‘Identification’ is the subject here) 

Wrong: The best way to keep your children happy are to give them enough responsibilities. 

Right: The best way to keep your children happy is to give them enough responsibilities. (Use a singular verb if the subject is a phrase or clause) 

Awkward: Neither John nor I am interested in this project. 

Better: John is not interested in this project; nor am I. (If you write an awkward sentence, consider rewriting it) 

Exception: Use a singular verb if a compound subject refers to the same person or thing. 

Example: Milk and breads is a typical breakfast for many people.

Tense – Tense refers to time. It tells when an action is happening: in the present, in the future, or in the past. Whatever time it is, it should remain consistent throughout your whole piece of writing. There are three main tenses - Past Tense, Present Tense and Future Tense.  

Here is an example of writing with mixed tenses:   

Wrong: John wanted to know why Rebecca is sad, but she will not tell him. 

Right: John wanted to know why Rebecca was sad, but she would not tell him. 

Present tense, Past tense and Future Tense each has the following four forms. The examples below will help you understand that:

Past Tense 

Simple Past – I spoke

Past Continuous – I was speaking

Past Perfect – I had spoken

Past Perfect Continuous – I had been speaking 

Present Tense 

Simple Present – I speak

Present Continuous – I am speaking

Present Perfect – I have spoken

Present Perfect Continuous – I have been speaking 

Future Tense 

Simple Future– I shall/ will speak

Future Continuous  – I shall/ will be speaking

Future Perfect – I shall/will have spoken

Future Perfect Continuous – I shall/ will have been speaking 

Double Negatives – Two negative words create a positive meaning, which may be just the opposite of what you have intended to convey. 

Wrong: I don’t have nothing to say. 

Right: I don’t have anything to say. 

Wrong: Tom couldn’t hardly believe what Jack said. 

Right:  Tom could hardly believe what Jack said.

Modifiers – Words that describe or limit other words are called modifiers. Adjective is a word or group of words that modifies a noun or pronoun, whereas Adverb is a group of words that modifies a verb, adjective or other adverb. Avoid misplaced and dangling modifiers. 

Wrong: Thomas told her that he wanted to marry her frequently. 

Right: Thomas frequently told her that he wanted to marry her. 

Wrong: Nicole picked up a girl in a blue jacket named Agatha. 

Right: Nicole picked up Agatha, a girl in a blue jacket. 

Wrong: Walking across the busy street, a bus almost hit me. 

Right: As I walked across the busy street, a bus hit me. 

Usage – If you are going to use a word, you must know how to use it. Use simple words. Many people have the tendency to use big, difficult words while writing. Avoid fancy words and phrases when simpler ones convey the idea. Omit unnecessary words. A piece of writing, containing long words strung together in complex sentences, turns out to be poorly written and not impressive. You will have fewer chances for grammatical errors if you can cut a word out which can be cut out. 

Stuffy: I will make modifications in the document. 

Simple: I will change the document. 

Wordy: You should remember to consult your watch in order to keep a person from waiting for you when you have decided to meet him at a particular time. 

Translation: Be punctual. 

To conclude, the more you remember the basic rules of English Grammar and practice good writing, the better your writings will be. The process is simple and easy. Keeping a good dictionary is essential in searching for the right word and finding out the actual meanings that will help you in selecting the right words. Usage of proper English Grammar and selecting the right words will make it more likely that your writings stand out from the rest. So, keep enjoying the process and keep writing.


Author: Rumki Sen. This article was first published on Rumki Sen's own website at https://www.perfectediting.com/rules-of-english-grammar.html

March 16, 2020

5 Positive Thoughts You Should Have Before Appearing for a Job Interview

1. I am calm and confident; I know I can face any question now.

2. I am an ideal candidate for this position.

3. I love job interviews and my positive attitude is my strength.

4. I always speak the truth. My honesty impresses the interviewers.

5. I always maintain eye contact with the interviewers and my confident
smile will show my eagerness to work for the company.

October 9, 2019

How to Grow a Network You’ll Actually Love

Everyone knows the importance of networking to career success. But many of us rank the activity as about as enjoyable as vacuuming underneath the sofa (and do it about as often). Instead of viewing networking as a chore, might there be ways to improve the process so that it becomes more bearable? Yes! Take a look at the strategies below to grow a network that’s both productive and pleasant.

Here’s how to grow a network that you’ll love:

Know what you want.

Networking gets frustrating when it doesn’t seem to lead to meaningful relationships. Increase the odds of meeting people you truly care about and are interested in staying connected with by evaluating your needs.

“The key is to create a written list of the traits and characteristics you seek in your contacts, colleagues, strategic partners, and friends,” says Patti DeNucci, author of The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business. She suggests asking yourself these questions:

What traits do you value most?
What kinds of people energize and inspire you?
What types of resources, skills, and knowledge will complement yours and help you be successful in your work?

"Add other questions to help you create a basic—or even very detailed—profile of the people who will be most valuable to you, help you get things done, and ensure you are learning and growing and enjoying what you do," DeNucci says. "This exercise actually recalibrates your brain’s Reticular Activation System, which acts as a personal radar. You will know when you’ve met someone who fits your criteria—and when you’ve met someone who has not!"

Choose pleasant settings.

Sharing an interest with those around you or working for a common cause oftentimes makes interactions easier. You’re bound to come into contact with people of diverse ages and backgrounds while doing volunteer work. Or head to an alumni event and discover others who thought Psychology 101 rocked. Tongue-tied at professional meet-and-greets? Join the organizational committee. You’ll get to know the other members, plus you’ll have natural icebreaker opportunities by passing out name tags or helping people find assigned seating.

Utilize LinkedIn.

Great for introverts and extroverts alike, this online platform facilitates connections. Meet interesting people by joining a LinkedIn group. Follow the career progress of people in your network. See who might know someone at that company for which you’re dying to work.

Before attending a networking event, check out the profiles of people you might encounter. You’ll get a leg up on remembering names and faces, and knowing a bit about someone can help spur topics of conversation.

Make bond-building a routine.

Asking a friend for help or advice feels much more comfortable than suddenly approaching someone you barely know. Consistently strengthen ties with acquaintances so that interaction with them becomes natural rather than forced. Set regular coffee dates, send a birthday card, pass along articles on a subject of mutual interest—actions that will keep you in contact throughout the year, not just when you need something.
Author: Beth Braccio Hering