June 24, 2008

How to Write a Good Story

To write even a simple story requires some practice. An uneducated person generally tells a story badly, as he does not have logical arrangement of thoughts. So, he continuously repeats himself, omits important points, which he brings in afterwards out of place, and gives importance to minor details and fails to emphasize the leading and most important points.

To write a good story, you must have the whole plot clear in your mind, and the main points arranged in their proper order.


1. Before you begin to write, see that you have a clear idea of the plot of the story in your mind.

2. When you think you have gathered enough material for your story, read over the notes you have jotted down to select the points most suitable for your story's theme.

3. Be careful to connect the points naturally, so that the whole will read well as a connected piece of good composition. Otherwise, the essay will be disconnected, badly arranged, disproportioned, and full of repetitions and irrelevancies.

Where possible, introduce dialogue or conversation; but, be careful to make it interesting, spontaneous, convincing and natural.

5. The conclusion of a story is important. The entire story should be composed to lead up to it naturally, and then it should come as a bit of surprise.

6. Suppy a title to the story. You may choose the main character, object or incident of the story.

7. Revise your work. See that your composition is grammatical and in good simple English. If necessary, rewrite it until you know you can not make it better.
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